
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Full-time mother and Working Women

Yes, Yes, I know, Here's one more post related to women but this is with different angle.

There are lots of views about being a full-time mother and working women, but here are some of my thoughts about being a full-time mother and working woman. Let me tell you the most important thing I feel, it is much rather difficult than any one would anticipate. Both situations have its challenge.

One would not realize it but being a full time mother is like having a full time job in itself and not just limited to cooking, cleaning, taking care of her children or family and passing the time either watching TV or on internet. To put it articulately, it is much more than that like d
elegating household chores, dealing with feelings of dependency (may not be true for most women), managing on a reduced income, and changing financial expectations, planning networking ideas, planning for activities to keep your child busy and entertain them, extensive support group lists or playgroups and looking into work options. This is not even a fraction of which a full time mother has to face. There are several aspects and each of them had its challenges. for example, in a joint family women have to face much more challenges than the individual families (some may not agree but I am taking into account all the pro's and cons), or the geographical location and cultural values also pose different set of challenges , meaning, Typical north Indian family has many restrictions on women over the south Indian family (again its my observation) and so forth...

On the other hand working women has her set of challenges. along with dealing with the family and daily chores, she has to deal with feelings about
job satisfaction, job attachment, life-style considerations, making a good impression on pears at work, pressures on the working spouse, What is best for our child or children, How can we keep an equal-rights household, personal and parental Goals; spousal support; support from family and friends; and if the money is yours, mine or ours? (oh yes! believe me I have seen couples arguing about this issue too), to name few....

Each women is different and has her own way of articulating the challenges of life.

The first duty of a human being is to assume the right functional relationship to society -- more briefly, to find your real job, and do it. Be it Men or women. I have yet to hear a man ask for advice on how to combine marriage, children and a career.

By and large, full-time mothers and working women are the only workers who do not have regular time off. They are the great vacation-less class.
Hats off... to all the women, whether its full time mother or working women.



Minu Agarwal said...

well written, totally agree

Unknown said...

Equal responsibility goes to Men also. Hats off to Men too!!!

Unknown said...
